Guest house
Imprint of the Sattler Guest House.
Imprint of the Sattler Winery.
Sattler KG
Managing director: Sattler Karl
Klausenberg 3, A-7093 Jois
Telefon: +43 2160/8206
Business purpose: Room letting
VAT No.: ATU69823248
Commercial Register No.: FH 431918z
Court of Commercial Register: Eisenstadt
Registered office: 7093 Jois
Member of the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ)
Professional law: Trade law
Supervisory authority/trade authority: Neusiedl am See District Administrative Authority
Weingut Sattler
Doris & Karl, the Sattler family
Klausenberg 3, A-7093 Jois
Telefon: +43 2160/8206
Business purpose: Production and Mmarketing of wine
Registered office: 7093 Jois
Member of the Chamber of Agriculture
Supervisory authority: Neusiedl am See District Administrative Authority
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Design, text, fascinating bottles:
Christof Schlegel Advertising Agency
Mag. Peter Bodó
Karin Zumann
Bottle photos:
Kerstin Reiger